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Friday, April 24, 2015

Writing for the Future: For 4/28

1) Your Final Paper is due by class time.
2) Be prepared to discuss your Final Paper for 5 minutes by stating its topic, explaining why you chose that topic, and giving a summary of what the paper says.
3) If you want your Final Paper returned with comments, be sure to bring a self-addressed, stamped envelope with you.
4) This will be our last class of the semester. (Sob!)

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Writing for the Future: For 4/21

Reminder: Paper 6 is due by class time this week. It's your last short paper.

I'm expecting another speaker this week. Try especially hard to be on time.

Come with any questions you may have about this course, your grades, etc. Keep in mind that next week (4/28) is our final class.

In case you missed it, Fox Day has come and gone. Because it didn't fall on a Tuesday, it din't affect us after all.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Writing for the Future: For 4/14

Reminders for this week:

Bring in an article from a newspaper, magazine or website (printed out), and be prepared to explain why you do or do not like it.

Be sure to read pages 157-163 and 207-216 in your text, If you're one of the people who agreed to summarize one of these sections, please be prepared to do that.

We're hoping to have a guest this week who has worked in the fields of public relations and journalism. Please come prepared to ask questions.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Writing for the Future: For 4/7

This will be the week of your Final Paper conferences. Class will begin at the normal time (4 pm) but will only last one hour. After that, I'll meet with each of you individually in my office (Orlando Hall 210). Please try to arrive 10 minutes early. Also, don't forget to bring your proposal with you.

Here are the conference times: Filipa (5 pm), Tiffany (5:10), Emma (5:20), Gian (5:30), Marjorie (5:40), Sal (5:50), Shelby (6 pm), Ashley (6:10), Aaron (6:20).

Please remember that Paper 5 is due this week, by class time.